Crochet Star Trek Badge Cozy

Crochet Star Trek Badge – A Coffee Cup Cozy

Star Trek Cozy Removed

Love Star Trek? Love Coffee? This Star Trek Badge was made for a coffee cup cozy! (Or use the communicator badge as an appliqué on other projects.)

If you aren’t a Trekkie but are making a coffee cup cozy for one…please note that color matters! Here’s a quick guide to color selection (for the main cozy portion):

Yellow = Command (like Captain Kirk)

Blue = Science and Medical (like Spock and Dr. McCoy)

Red = Engineering and Security (like Scotty or crew members who die)

Crochet Star Trek Badge – The Pattern

The Star Trek Badge has a very distinctive shape. It changed slightly over the years…but always had the three pointed ends. This pattern uses the basic shape that was introduced in the original season.

This fits to-go cups, cans, bottles and pint size canning jars.

The PDF pattern has written directions, photos, gauge info, materials list, checkboxes to mark your progress and more.

Skill Level: Easy

Stitches Include: Chain, slip stitch, single crochet, half double crochet

Techniques Include: Crochet in rows and rounds, decrease

This is a great gift idea.

It’s a fabulous Stash buster.

More Cozies in Store

coffee cup cozy patterns ebookLove this Star Trek cozy? There are more seasonal, holiday and just for fun cozies in the store in our Crochet Cup Cozy eBook. We’ve created an entire collection with 28 designs one ebook.

Each design in the ebook has instructions to fit Mugs, Cups and Mason Jars. Every design has a delicious recipe or fun craft.

The ebook includes 4 new designs – Dracula, Vampire, Mummy and Blue Jeans.

Available in the StoreRead more about the set:

Blog: Coffee Cup Cozy Collection

Store: Coffee Cup Cozy Collection